#GRAWildRobot Reflection

Well, that’s it. We have come to the end of our first ever Global Read Aloud. This book made us laugh, almost cry, question characters’ actions, and link the themes with real world events.

Read the statement below and leave a comment with your thoughts about one of the key themes in the book – CHANGE.

‘Conflict can be a catalyst to cause a character to change and adapt. Think about Roz across the story of the Wild Robot. What incidents have caused her to change Pick one incident and explain how Roz changed, explain why it caused her to change.’

Bumblebee Performance

Last Friday, we had our Bumblebee choir finale. All year 3 and 4 students are aprt of the Bumblebee choir. Our director Mrs Collins chooses lots of interesting songs, some slow, some fast and some in between.

During our last concert we sung 4 songs. One of the choir’s and audience’s favourite was If I Were a Rich Man from the musical ‘Fiddler on the Roof.’

Listen here for a taste:

What has been your favourite song to sing in Bumblebee?

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

On Friday the Year 4s travelled by bus to the magnificent Hamer Hall to see the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. 

First video playing from Missstirtilas on Vimeo.

Frank Woodley and the MSO

Narrated by the hilarious comedian Frank Woodley, he introduced us to the different sections of an orchestra, the instruments and how they are portrayed or viewed by one another. We learnt about many famous ‘dead’ composers and how through music we keep them alive. 

At the end we were treated to use our own /musical instrument’ to become part of the orchestra. Watch the video below to see if you can guess what our instrument was supposed to represent in the piece. 

Second MSO from Missstirtilas on Vimeo.

If you could play any instrument, what would you play and why?

Global Read Aloud Week 5 Reflections

Gosh time certainly does fly! Here we are, our second last week of participating in the Global Read Aloud project.
In 4T, we have come to greatly care for Roz and Brightbill and are drawing many links between how the animals treat each other and how we interact with people on a day to day basis.

In Chapter 58, the animals talk about their purpose in life.
“Everything has a purpose . . . The sun is meant to give light. Plants are meant to grow. We owls are meant to hunt.” 

In your opinion, what is Roz’s purpose and why?


Read the instructions of how to leave your thoughts on this global padlet below. Return regularly to see if someone has left you a comment or maybe you could even add to someone else’s thinking.

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Hey! That’s My Work!

When 4T logged onto their blogs today, something very alarming and strange had happened. 
Their content was there, but someone else’s name was on the title. Someone had claimed their own work as their own!

Huh? That’s not Emmy’s blog!

“That’s mine!” yelled Serene.

4T were outraged! But unfortunately this happens on the internet more often than you think. People copying other people’s work or images and pasting them into their own projects. That’s not fair!

This led to a very important discussion about why it is so important to give credit to someone else’s work when you have borrowed a picture or used their website to assist you in your research. 

What is plagiarism?
Why is it important to credit the work that you use?
How do you credit someone else’s work?

#GRAWildRobot Week 3 Discussion

We are almost half way through our first Global Read Aloud experience.

So far we have responded to thoughts on other class blogs, asked questions and even drawn our interpretations of Roz and her surroundings.

Here are the reflection questions for chapters 32-44.Be sure to use specific examples from the text to support your answer:

  • What does Roz do during these chapters to integrate herself into the animals’ society and to become a member of this island’s community?

  • How are the animals helping Roz? How does she help the animals?

  • What do they learn from each other? 

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#GRAWildRobot Reflection

A big part of participating in GRA is discussing the text, sharing our thoughts about the characters’ actions and inferring themes and making predictions about what might happen next. How is this different to how we usually interact with texts in the classroom, you ask? 

WELL, we share this thinking with classes GLOBALLY with classes from around the wordl reading the same book!
Here is our first connection! Welcome to Ms Larson’s class!

Students, watch each other’s videos and try to guess which city each class is from. 

IMG_0792 from Missstirtilas on Vimeo.

Leave a comment with your response to this question:

How is Roz changing since first washing ashore on the island? What is happening to her mindset, her emotions, and how she is adapting to her environment? Give examples to explain your answer. 


Global Read Aloud

This term 4T will be participating in the Global Read Aloud (GRA) where classes all over the world connect with each other and discuss their thoughts and predictions about a chosen class novel.

Our book is called ‘The Wild Robot’ by Peter Brown. Watch the trailer below to peak your interest.

What excites you about participating in Global Read Aloud?

What predictions do you have?


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Coding in 4T

This term we were lucky to have the knowledgable Melinda come and work with us once a week to grow our knowledge of computational thinking and coding.

We learnt that whenever you are wanting to program a device you need to have a clear event that starts what will happen, precise and efficient algorithms and a courageous and persistent mindset!

4T were able to transfer their knowledge from Scratch Jr to a new app called Hopscotch where they explored the functions of the blocks and variables to create various games.

4T are now putting their knowledge to the test and designing and creating their own maths games to assist in practising a concept already learnt this year.

Some game learning intentions include:

  • To practise times tables facts

  • To convert fractions to decimals

  • To find equivalent fractions

Have you ever created a game? What was its learning intention and aim?

Meet the Scientist Afternoon

The Year 4 ‘Design Your Own Experiment’ project culminated with a ‘Meet the Scientist’ afternoon, where the Year 4 scientists shared their thinking with family visitors and the school community.

Here is a snapshot from the afternoon:

4T, leave a comment with something that you have learnt from this term’s Integrated Unit or what worked well at our Open Afternoon and something you are still wondering about.

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