4T’s Guide to Safe Blogging

In 4T we have spent a lot of time discussing ways we can keep ourselves safe whilst online.

We have been studying positive online behaviours such as ‘what is private information?’ ‘plagiarism,’ and ‘cyberbullying.’ We have read books such as ‘The Internet is Like a Puddle,’ and ‘Chicken Clicking’ and watched video clips including ‘Little Red in Cyber Space.’

Before using our blog, please read through our guide to keep safe whilst blogging:

– We will keep our personal information (full name, address, location, passwords, phone numbers, emails, etc.) private and NEVER post this on our blog.

– We will only use the websites and links that Ms Tirtilas recommends and check with her before commenting on or responding to new blog buddy’s posts or comments.

– We will try our best to make our posts original and interesting for the reader. We will stay on topic and only write about school approved topics.

Be kind! We will leave positive and constructive feedback as comments. We will not put down our blog buddies.

– We will always seek permission before posting anyone’s photo. We will only post group photos.

– Ms Tirtilas promises to read and approve all posts and comments on our blog.