Posts Tagged ‘GRA’

Global Read Aloud

During our last term of the year, 4T will be participating in the Global Read Aloud Project (GRA) where classes all over the world connect with each other and discuss their thoughts and predictions about a chosen class novel. 

Watch this video to learn more about the GRA. 

Front Desk Front Cover

The book that has been chosen this year is Front Desk by Kelly Yang. Read the synopsis below and watch the book trailer, then leave a comment with your prediction for the novel. 

For our international visitors, don’t forget to also tell us where you are from in your comment!

Ten year-old Mia Tang moved to the US for a better life, a freer life, but so far, it’s a life where she runs the front desk of a motel while her parents clean rooms. And she’s not even allowed to use the swimming pool. 


National Simultaneous Storytime

National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. 

This year it is taking place on Wednesday 22nd May, 2019 at 11am.

Alpacas with Maraccas is a story about Macca the Alpaca and his best friend Al. The two Alpacas are determined to enter the talent show and have no intention of letting their lack of talent get in the way.

Like Macca identifying his talents, leave a comment with one of your strengths and what you enjoy about it.

#GRA18 Character Traits

Wow! We are over half way through our first Global Read Aloud Experience. 

We have loved connecting with classes from around the world, learning about Pakistan and its cultures and most importantly we have loved how this book has made us stop and THINK!

Think about contrasts and comparisons to our own lives and think about how we would feel or react if we were in their shoes. 

This week we have been discussing character traits.

Choose a character from the novel and think about a trait that would describe them. Don’t forget to give evidence from the text from a time when they displayed that trait. 

Finish off your comment with a prediction of what you think is in store for Amal’s future. 

GRA Week 3 responses

We have reached the 1/3 marker in our #GRA18Amal book.

So far 4T have enjoyed responding to comments on our own blog and leaving our thoughts about the themes of the book on our buddy class’ blogs from Saskatoon, Canada and Powhatan, Virginia in the United States of America.

Our thoughts so far on what we have read:

  • I think it is unfair that Amal’s dad is keeping her away from her education and pursuing her dreams. – Joanna and Max
  • Amal is like Malala in some ways, they both want to go to school and learn. – Esther
  • Girls are treated unfairly compared to boys. For example, boys get a bigger library and are encouraged to learn more than the girls. – Alex and Morgan
  • I think that it is scary how different Amal’s life is to ours. – Tori
  • The Khan landlords treat others with disrespect. – Lucas
  • I think the author Aisha Saeed has written the book really well because she leaves a cliff hanger at the end of each chapter. – Joanna

This week, we would like you to record yourselves filming a short (20 sec) clip responding to one of the questions in the Padlet below. 

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Click here to open this Padlet full size.

#GRAWildRobot Reflection

Well, that’s it. We have come to the end of our first ever Global Read Aloud. This book made us laugh, almost cry, question characters’ actions, and link the themes with real world events.

Read the statement below and leave a comment with your thoughts about one of the key themes in the book – CHANGE.

‘Conflict can be a catalyst to cause a character to change and adapt. Think about Roz across the story of the Wild Robot. What incidents have caused her to change Pick one incident and explain how Roz changed, explain why it caused her to change.’

#GRAWildRobot Week 3 Discussion

We are almost half way through our first Global Read Aloud experience.

So far we have responded to thoughts on other class blogs, asked questions and even drawn our interpretations of Roz and her surroundings.

Here are the reflection questions for chapters 32-44.Be sure to use specific examples from the text to support your answer:

  • What does Roz do during these chapters to integrate herself into the animals’ society and to become a member of this island’s community?

  • How are the animals helping Roz? How does she help the animals?

  • What do they learn from each other? 

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#GRAWildRobot Reflection

A big part of participating in GRA is discussing the text, sharing our thoughts about the characters’ actions and inferring themes and making predictions about what might happen next. How is this different to how we usually interact with texts in the classroom, you ask? 

WELL, we share this thinking with classes GLOBALLY with classes from around the wordl reading the same book!
Here is our first connection! Welcome to Ms Larson’s class!

Students, watch each other’s videos and try to guess which city each class is from. 

IMG_0792 from Missstirtilas on Vimeo.

Leave a comment with your response to this question:

How is Roz changing since first washing ashore on the island? What is happening to her mindset, her emotions, and how she is adapting to her environment? Give examples to explain your answer.