Archive of ‘Maths’ category


We use decimals everyday.

Decimal numbers are used in situations where more accuracy or smaller amounts than a whole, is required than the whole numbers can provide. The decimal system is a way to express numbers less than a whole by using the decimal point. Decimals are another way to represent fractions.

Where have you encountered or seen decimals before?

Coding in 4T

This term we were lucky to have the knowledgable Melinda come and work with us once a week to grow our knowledge of computational thinking and coding.

We learnt that whenever you are wanting to program a device you need to have a clear event that starts what will happen, precise and efficient algorithms and a courageous and persistent mindset!

4T were able to transfer their knowledge from Scratch Jr to a new app called Hopscotch where they explored the functions of the blocks and variables to create various games.

4T are now putting their knowledge to the test and designing and creating their own maths games to assist in practising a concept already learnt this year.

Some game learning intentions include:

  • To practise times tables facts

  • To convert fractions to decimals

  • To find equivalent fractions

Have you ever created a game? What was its learning intention and aim?

Holiday TIME!

Can you believe it? End of Term 1 already. This means one thing!


Over the last few weeks in 4T we have been learning about elapsed time and displaying our learning in different ways. 

We have planned our own AFL (Australian Football League) match schedules, we went out to Cluny and estimated then timed how long it took us to complete different challenges and we even planned a holiday around Australia using Google Maps to help us calculate distances and travel times. 

Here are some holiday TIME challenges. Leave a comment telling me about one or more of these things:

  • What was your longest sleep in? How many hours from when you went to sleep until you woke up? Can you convert this to minutes? 
  • If you watched a movie, how long did it go for? Tell me in both hours and minutes. 
  • Going on a car trip? Look up on Google Maps how long they say it will take to get there and then time it yourself! Who was more accurate?
  • When you watched your favourite TV show, how long did all the ads go for? 
  • Be like Jamie Oliver and cook dinner for your family. Time how long it takes you!

Stay safe, have a wonderful break and I look forward to seeing you again in Term 2!