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Brain Training

Today in 4T, we had Jen the school psychologist come to refresh our memories about the different parts of our brain. By learning about how our brain works, we can better understand how we learn and maximise our class time. 

Brain Training with Jen

Two key parts of the brain that we looked at were what Jen calls ‘Brain 1’ and ‘Brain 2.’

Brain 1, also known as our SMART brain. It makes us be responsible, positive, confident, caring towards others, sensible and tries to do the right thing. 
Inside our brain is another part called the Hippocampus. This is for storing and recalling memories. It can only turn on when we are calm. 

Brain 2, or our brain stem, our basic brain, can sometimes act like a little bit of a 2 year old. We have this brain because it keeps us safe by turning our instincts on. If someone is in Brain 2, you might see them acting silly, getting carried away, not concentrating, not persisting or ‘waking up on the wrong side of the bed.’

If we want to learn in Year 4 and be our best, we need to make a conscious effort to ensure we are in Brain 1 most of the time. 

What do you know about the brain? Leave a comment sharing what you know.

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Glitter Words

We have had a couple of exciting first weeks, settling in to our new class and participating in many school activities!

We have had many discussions about how we want to feel and our expectations of others and ourselves at school which led into creating our Learning Expectations for the year, so that we can come to school everyday and feel happy, safe and motivated to learn!

Which expectation do you believe is most important? Which guideline do you think you need to work on a little more?